To Lose Fat, Lets Understand Fat

In order to burn fat …let’s learn fat.

I feel like too many people get excited about losing weight not realizing that it could just be water weight or worse, muscle!

The two main things you need to know about losing fat is how it’s stored and how it’s released.

How fat is stored?

Hormones control fat. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate processes in our body.

The 2 main hormones for fat storage are Leptin and Insulin.

  1. Leptin– is the hunger hormone. It controls hunger and feelings of satiety. It’s basically the gatekeeper of how much energy (Aka food) a person needs to take in. Its secreted by your fat cells (adipose tissue). So the more overweight you are the more leptin you have. “So if I have all this leptin floating around then why am I overweight, tired and hungry all the time?” You are leptin resistant.

Some reasons for leptin resistance are:

  • Consuming excess sugar. Especially high Fructose Corn syrup.
  • Consuming processed carbohydrates.
  • Overeating
  • Excessive Exercising- especially cardio.
  • High Stress.
  • Lack of sleep.

2. Insulin– This is the storage hormone. It regulates the level of glucose (AKA sugar) in the blood by unlocking your cells to use the glucose for energy. When the body has too much glucose it then gets stored as fat.

How fat is released?

The release of fat from your storage cells requires an enzyme called Hormone Sensitive Lipase (HSL). Enzymes are the things that do the work in the body. HSL’s role is to mobilize fat. By the name of this enzyme you can guess that it’s affected by hormones… namely insulin which inhibits its use. So in other words if insulin is present HSL can’t be activated. “Ok, so how do I activate this enzyme and fix my leptin resistance to get rid of all this fat and have more energy?” Decrease your insulin. 

How To Decrease Insulin?

  • You have to decrease the sugar and processed carbs. Every time you eat sugar and starchy or processed carbs it spikes your insulin.
  • Eating frequently spikes insulin. You DO NOT need to eat every 3-4 hrs! Usually the reason why you need to eat frequent meals is because you’re eating a lot of carbs, raising your sugar then spiking insulin, crashing, getting hungry again and continuing this all day roller coaster ride. This is stressing out your body and causes insulin resistance. 

How Do I Stop Eating Sugar And Processed Carbs?

#1 tip for this is to STOP eating low fat products!!!

No, I’m not gonna sit here and bash the mainstream recommendation by big organizations but I want you to open your eyes and look around at what “society” says is healthy. The low fat, high carb diets have made us sick!!! And by high carbs I mean the whole grains, whole wheats, fruits we eat all year round and the sugar that has been added to everything! When you take the natural fat out of something it tastes awful! So manufacturers add sugars and chemicals to make it edible.

**All of this is not your fault… We’ve just been given the wrong information**

Healthy Fats DO NOT Have A Negative Effect On Blood Sugar

I emphasize HEALTHY because if you go out and start eating all the fried everything that has been doused in industrial seed oils and oxidative fats then you’re gonna go down a whole different unhealthy road!

Some healthy fats include:

💥When you eat whole unprocessed foods you go low carb\low sugar by default💥

Adopting this primal way of eating will get you healthy on the inside first and then magically the real fat loss will come. Be prepared for increased energy, better sleep, fat loss, decreased cravings and the possible reversal of many metabolic problems.

Your Homework

  • Start looking at labels. When you go to the grocery store pick up that low fat food and compare it with the regular or higher fat food. Which one has more sugar and chemicals in it that you can’t pronounce?
  • Once you start eliminating the processed foods and low fat foods…Pay attention to how you feel.
    1. Are you hungry in a few hours? Are you constantly hungry all day long?
    2. Are you tired often, especially after eating?
    3. Do you have a headache?
    4. Do you have any gastrointestinal upset…gas, bloating, cramping?
      • All of these are side effects of eating highly processed food
  • Start out small: You don’t have to throw out everything (unless you want to). Pick one thing and change that first. Find a healthier alternative. EX: instead of cereal for breakfast. Eat whole eggs, sprouted grain bread and a handful of blueberries. Instead of french fries, eat a sweet potato with real butter on it. If you are a soda drinker, start decreasing by one bottle/can every day. When you get down to one can a day then start doing ½ soda mixed with water…. And so one. Start replacing it with lemon water or electrolytes packets.

To get even more information on eliminating sugar from your diet, plus grocery lists and easy recipes… sign up for my weekly newsletter and get my FREE ebook “A Beginners Guide To A Sugar Free Life” You Can Sign up HERE

For a list of my favorite products including supplements, fitness equipment and much more click HERE.

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